Complete feed for adult dogs

high-quality wet food with lamb · without cereals, sugar and artificial colours and flavours

Our Eggersmann Carnebello with Lamb is a high quality wet dog food with a well-balanced energy content. It contains natural lamb fat, which can help with digestive disorders and also help your dog to develop a healthy stomach mucosa. The juicy muscle meat, combined with salmon oil and valuable omega-3 fatty acids provides your dog with all the nutrients it needs. Because of the particularly gentle cooking process, all the important vitamins, trace elements and minerals are retained in this complete dog feed. As it is completely free from grains, sugar and artificial colours and flavours, our wet dog feed provides your dog with both a tasty and nutritious meal. Our Eggersmann Carnebello with Lamb is suitable as a complete feed for adult dogs but can also be mixed with dry feed if preferred.

Meat and innards: meat, lamb innards (15%), heart, liver, kidney, udder 70,0 %
bouillon de viande 28,5 %
Salmon oil 0,5 %
Egg shells, dried 0,5 %
Minerals 0,5 %
Protéines brutes 10,50 %
Matières grasses brutes 5,50 %
Cendres brutes 2,00 %
Fibre brute 0,40 %
Humidité 79,00 %
Vitamine D3 (3a671) NA 200,0 I.E.
Vitamine E (3a700i) NA 50,0 mg
Manganèse (3b503) sous forme de sulfate de manganèse (II), monohydraté NA 2,0 mg
Sulfate de zinc (3b605) NA 20,0 mg
Iodate de calcium anhydre (3b202) NA 0,2 mg

NA = Additifs nutritionnels et physiologiques
ZA = Additifs zootechniques
TA = Additifs - auxiliaires technologiques
SA = Additifs sensoriels
Sous réserve de modification


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19

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